Preserving the History of Women Attorneys:
Celebrating and preserving the history of women in Colorado's legal community, including capturing the oral histories of women who have played a key role in that history.

Gender Penalties:
In 2003, Gender Penalties Revisited was presented, revealing the results of a nearly decade-long study that examined gender equity in the legal profession, including economic disparity between male and female attorneys, conducted by University of Denver Professors Joyce Sterling and Nancy Reichman.

Project for Attorney Retention:
The CWBA Foundation, with generous funding and support from the Colorado Bar Association, Faegre & Benson Foundation, and the Donnell Initiative Fund, joined forces with the Project for Attorney Retention (PAR) to include Denver in a groundbreaking study of part-time law firm partnerships.  For more information about PAR, a nationally recognized leader in the use and value of flexible work schedules, visit their website.  

The project studied part-time partners in law firms to identify roadblocks they face and present best-practice solutions to overcome those challenges.  The study provided best practices that law firms can use not only to develop effective policies, but also to establish fair compensation structures and practices for attorneys who want to reduce their hours and still maintain a successful and profitable relationship with their firm. The study, conducted in San Francisco, Washington D.C. and Denver, CO, involved in-depth interviews (with guarantees of confidentiality) with part-time partners.  The information was used to develop a best practices model and report on part-time partnership that can be used nationally.  The study was released in late September 2009, and you may click here for a copy of the report: "Reduced Hours – Full Success: Part-Time Partnership in U.S. Law Firms." 

New Families, New Futures:
The CWBA Foundation provided seed money to the non-profit, New Families New Futures, to develop a video to explain, in practical terms, the dissolution of marriage process and the resources available to negotiate that process. The purpose of the video is to educate and empower the women and other participants going through this process.  For more information, visit the website.

Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame:
In 2016, the CWBA Foundation donated a portrait of Judge Sandra Rothenberg with her induction into the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame under the categories of Law & Enforcement, Politics, Government & Military Service. That portrait now hangs in the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame.

Supporting CWBA Programming:
The Foundation regularly provides financial support for important programs put on by the Colorado Women’s Bar Association (CWBA). For example, each year the CWBA Foundation sponsors the keynote speaker at the CWBA’s annual convention. The CWBA Foundation also recently sponsored Storming the Bench, the CWBA’s informational program designed to provide women lawyers with strategies and practical advice for becoming a judicial officer.

Support future CWBA Foundation Projects:


Colorado Women's Bar Association Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

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